Heal with Nature:
Detox, Balance, and Thrive

Rooted in ancestral living, discover a low toxin path to mineral balance and vibrant health. Plus, learn how to reduce your toxin load!

Start Your Detox Journey Now

Download one of our powerful FREE guides to reduce toxins and boost your vitality

Detox Smarter (and Safer): 3 Common Mistakes

Low Toxin Checklist: Reduce Your Toxin Exposure at home

Welcome All Holistic-Minded People!

We’re Cory and Jabrielle – a couple of holistic health practitioners dedicated to ancestral living. 

“Ancestral living” means eating a seasonally-based and organic whole foods diet, living a low-toxin lifestyle, and safely detoxing through mineral balancing.

Through our nutrition consultations and courses, we help parents and ambitious individuals follow these practices and break free from painful, chronic conditions.

Just as a solid foundation is crucial for a house, balancing minerals is essential for good health. We must also remove toxins to create a clean, supportive environment for our bodies, helping to prevent chronic illness.

If you’re ready to discover simple ways to reduce toxins and embrace a holistic lifestyle, we’re here to help!

Cory and Jabrielle
Cory and Jabrielle

Your Path to Health Freedom

Be free of fatigue and hormonal issues with targeted nutrition and detox strategies so you can live the life of your dreams.

Download one of our powerful FREE guides to reduce toxins and boost your vitality

Can you relate?

Have you spent TONS of money on supplements or doctor’s visits without much relief from your fatigue, hormonal issues, or sleep struggles?

How I can Help...

My goal is to help you STOP wasting your money on those things and to empower you to take charge of your health with targeted nutrition!

Test, Don't Guess

To provide that, I order nutritional tests for my clients such as the hair mineral test (HTMA) to check for mineral imbalances, hormonal issues, AND heavy metals that are causing fatigue.

Checking for chronic bacteria, viruses,  parasites, and/or candida overgrowth is also paramount in eliminating fatigue. So, I order a gut health test (GI-MAP) to check for “critters” that may be stealing your nutrients. 

Based on those test results, I craft a plan for you to follow that includes a targeted whole food diet as well as targeted supplementation to get you there FASTER!

Jabrielle Walking

With nutritional testing AND targeted action steps, we can improve your:

Benefits of Mineral Balancing

Energy Boost

Are you exhausted most of the time?! Energy often comes in waves, but the goal should be to support your cells at the mineral level so that you can finally have more steady energy levels. Balancing minerals and removing heavy metals can help you regain the energy that you’ve been missing for years!

Hormone Balance

Do you struggle to fall or stay asleep? Do you have an unreliable menstrual cycle? Or trouble losing weight? All of these things are very likely due to hormonal imbalances (for men AND women). Did you know that minerals need to be balanced first before hormones? By balancing minerals, you are supporting healthy hormone levels.

Photograph of a mom and daughter flexing their biceps muscles and smiling at each other.

Fat Loss

Did you know that the balance of your minerals actually determines your metabolic rate? If you have tried everything and either can’t lose weight OR you can’t keep it off, you may need to work towards balancing your minerals to finally meet your goals. Balancing minerals will help you improve your metabolic rate.

Eliminate the Guesswork

It’s time to correctly approach your health issues by testing what’s going on with your minerals, hormones, and gut issues so that we can rid of those pesky chronic health issues. Guessing or improper tests are no longer an option!

Functional Testing

A hair mineral test (HTMA) to check for mineral imbalances and heavy metals will be ordered for you. A stool test to check for gut infections (GI-MAP) will also be ordered in order to customize your protocol.

Whole Foods + Supplements

We use your hair mineral test to see which minerals you need to adjust in your diet, as well as targeted supplementation to get you there more quickly.


Learn how to safely and gently detoxify your body through mineral balancing. Also apply action steps to lower the toxins in your environment.

Featured Course

Ancestral Living for Families Nutrition Curriculum Cover

Nutrition: Ancestral Living for Families (6 Lessons)

Healthy living starts at home. More than ever, we need to teach our children time-tested nutrition habits like those that ancestral cultures practiced. Our Nutrition course is designed to help guide you and your family with hands-on activities and education!

Hey there, I'm Jabrielle...

From early childhood, I faced health challenges including inflammation, chronic fatigue, and brain fog.

Despite years of tests and medications, my lupus diagnosis didn’t come until my early twenties. Frustrated by the lack of improvement, I explored various holistic-based treatments, supplements, diets, and spent thousands of dollars.

My health breakthrough came when I delved into the mineral-rich, low-inflammatory diets of ancestral cultures. Several years later, I finally ordered an HTMA (hair mineral test) for myself after completing my practitioner program. It revealed crucial insights into my chronic mineral and heavy metal load (which were still quite significant!). I now advocate even more strongly for a “Test, don’t guess!” approach.

Ready to take control of YOUR health journey?

What my clients say...

Frequently Asked Questions

The program is 4 months long. There is a hefty amount of holistic education woven into the program. You’ll have access to the content for 6 months.

Yes! You get a $200 discount for paying in full, but we can break up your full payment into 4 monthly payments.

Great question! It depends on your coverage. You may be able to submit a “Superbill” for “Health/Wellness Coaching”. 

If your ability to work with me depends on this factor then I recommend that you make a quick call to your insurance company or HSA/FSA plan provider before you schedule your qualifying call with me to ask if this is a part of your coverage and whether or not there’s a financial limit that they will cover. 

You’ll also want to ask your insurance company or HSA/FSA plan provider what’s needed in order of it to be reimbursed or covered. Often, they will first want a doctor’s note prescribing “Health/Wellness Coaching” for you in order to treat a diagnosed health condition or chronic symptom. 

After you’ve confirmed that coverage, you can email me at support@livingancestrally.com and request a Superbill (it’s like a receipt/statement).

Depending on your HSA/FSA plan, you may be able to purchase any supplements you want to buy, but you should double check.

“Health/Wellness Coaching” is an option that is being covered/reimbursed by more and more insurance companies and HSA/FSA plans, so it is worth asking.

Great! It’s common for my clients to collaborate with a team of different healthcare professionals. They understand that each practitioner plays a unique role; doctors mainly focus on diagnosis rather than day-to-day support with nutrition, habits, and mindset. Integrating these lifestyle changes into a busy schedule is crucial.

For those who don’t work with holistic doctors, they might miss out on this comprehensive approach. It complements primary care or specialist consultations well. In your Health History Form, you’ll be able to let me know about any medications or supplements that you are already on so we can make sure that what I recommend compliments that.

I always recommend that you speak with your doctor before making any supplement changes or adding supplements. 

Any supplements that I recommend are ALL optional. You don’t have to buy anything that I recommend. However, keep in mind that all recommendations have the goal of balancing your minerals and supporting your body through detox. 

It’s always advisable to speak to your doctor when starting a new health protocol, particularly if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, on medications, and/or have a diagnosed health condition.

Since this is not a weight loss program, I cannot guarantee that. Excess weight is a symptom of an issue. As we work towards balancing your minerals, your metabolism (and hormones) will change due to changes in the mineral ratios. This change can definitely affect your ability to lose weight. If weight loss is a goal of yours then be sure to tell me! Whether or not you want to lose weight, the goals to balance your minerals and hormones will still be the same!

It completely depends on YOUR mineral testing results. All supplements are solely based on your specific needs, so there’s no guessing or wasting money. With my premium program, 3+ months of high quality supplements are included in the price. 

The supplements that I recommend within my program (and are included in the premium program) are based out of Canada with the majority of the ingredients coming from North America, while some herbs are grown in parts of the world they normally grow. The lab is a GMP-rated facility and rigorously tests their ingredients for heavy metals, allergens, and microbial contaminants. If you have allergies then be sure to let me know so that I can inform the lab how they need to prepare your custom formula.

This option is a part of my premium program, however, I can certainly order these for you if you aren’t a part of the premium program. 

The supplements come in a powdered canister with all the minerals and vitamins that YOUR body needs. It’s much better than a multivitamin that you can buy at the store or online. It’s customized to what your body is deficient in and is tested to be free of nasty contaminants. 

You can add your powdered Custom Formula to drinks, smoothies, etc. in order to easily keep up with the nutrients that YOUR body needs in order to become balanced. With this option, there’s no need to keep up with ordering your own supplements and all the bottles. The Custom Formula should simplify your protocol for you!

You’ll want to invest 1 hour in “homework” time each week. Within each of the modules there are Action Steps that I recommend in order to quickly implement some of the health changes that will contribute towards you feeling better (and balancing your minerals).

These Action Steps make all the difference in the holistic healing process.

You’ll fill out a very thorough health history form where you’ll list your symptoms, medications, and diagnosed health conditions.

We’ll also be assessing your toxin exposure history within this form so I can assess if that contributed to your heavy metal load and/or mineral imbalances. 

Additionally, I’ll assess your lifestyle habits such as bedtime, eating times, and more to get a clear picture on what may need to be improved.

I want this to be a right fit for you just as much as you do which is why I qualify everyone before working with me. You must be at a 10/10 commitment level in order to work with me. It’s essential that you are ready and willing to make changes to your health regimen. 

I’m here to talk through any questions, struggles, or roadblocks you may have! Just email me at support@livingancestrally.com.

**All payments are final. No refunds or discontinuation of payment plans will be issued regardless of participation**

Life is full of interruptions and changes. We should not put our health on hold. Let’s get this process started so you can begin leading a fuller and more vibrant life again!

If you do have a vacation coming up then let me know so we can troubleshoot.

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you."

Isaiah 43:2

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